A Message For Our Listeners

Dear Listeners, Radio Tacoma just celebrated our first year on the air. After 4 years of work, this was an exciting landmark for us. This is some of what we have spent the past year doing: creating content teaching others how to create content recording community announcements learning the FCC rules creating policy handbooks revamping … [Read more…]


Game of Crones

Was she one of the guilty ones?  It is highly possible, since there were three souls who perpetuated the horrendous act. Yes, the three were bought to justice and world was saved….this time.  Stay tuned.  You may hear more of the Game of Crones!


Game of Crones!

Join us for a Halloween Whodunnit When: Saturday, October 28, 2017 7PM  Where: Tacoma Friends Meeting House, 2508 S. 39th  How: $25 suggested donation          $15 for those coming in costume Dessert will be available during intermission  A fun-raiser and benefit for Radio Tacoma KTAH-LP 101.9 FM – ON AIR NOW!  Check us out … [Read more…]


KTAH LP 101.9 FM receives FCC license

On October 2, 2017 KTAH LP 101.9 FM received its license from the FCC. After four years of mind bending struggles, we are official! We are currently conducting our soft launch but sometime soon we will hold our official launch party. Stay tuned!! Many thanks to all of the volunteers who worked on getting Radio … [Read more…]


KTAH Conducts Test Broadcasts

In August, Radio Tacoma began conducting test broadcasts on 101.9 FM. We’re still working out the kinks as we operate under a construction permit, but these tests mean we’re another step closer to our official launch! For now, chief engineer Sam Mulvey has been doing onsite and mobile testing around town, while Radio Tacoma board … [Read more…]


Anne Feeney coming to Tacoma!!

Tacoma is in for a real treat!  We are one of Anne Feeney’s stops in her Summer of Resistance tour, Saturday, July 15th, 2017 at 7:00 PM. Anne Feeney performs music that she says is designed to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Not many women have chosen to walk the path of Woody Guthrie, … [Read more…]
