Happy Birthday to Us!

Happy Birthday Cake

We are celebrating two years of community radio in Tacoma, with many more to come! Thank you to all our listeners and supporters! Cake courtesy of Mark Knight. Photo courtesy of Pam Beal.


More stories from the September 20th Global Climate Strike

Climate March Children

On September 20,2019, students in Tacoma joined the Global Climate Strike. You can listen to the voices from these energetic and determined young people at the link below. These students will remain active and are gaining support from unions, other environmental groups, voting rights groups and support from people like you. More information is available … [Read more…]


Look For Us at Upcoming Events

Stop by our booth, we would love to hear your ideas for community radio. MUSIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL at Wright Park –  SATURDAY,  AUGUST 10th; MCKINLEY HILL STREET FAIR – SATURDAY,  AUGUST 17th; HILLTOP STREET FAIR  – SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th.
