Breakdown with Charles Ames – Episode 5

“Today we’ll talk with Jani Hitchens, Pierce County Councilmember, Position #6.  We’ll discuss what a ‘county’ actually is, its responsibilities, and Pierce County’s activities in particular.  The budget takes center stage along with concerns about homelessness and uniting cities with non-profits to address it, as well.  She also says that you will have a chance to name their new vacuum truck!  We’ll discuss housing affordability and construction. Then she gives us an update on the County’s lawsuit win against opioids. 

Then, I’ll debate with my conservative friend, Dr. Phil Kiver.  I’ll ask him what a GOP paradise would look like during this holiday season and can democracy be salvaged if Trump gets a second term.  

And then I’ll finish with a discussion on the myth of binary sexuality.  It will take your breath away to find out how the world and history might disagree with you about how many genders there are… “
