Interviews with local people and organizations that we should all be aware of.
John Doherty talks with participants in the March 22, 2025, Women’s Rally.
Dan Grey speaks with members of Meaningful Movies on their purpose and how we may all get involved.
Pam Beal talks with Andre Stackhouse and Pam Ketzner of Whole Washington about the Washington Health Trust Bill being considered in the current legislative session.
Pam Beal speaks with Ty Moore on Tacoma 4 All’s successes, future plans, and how to solve the houseless crises.
Interview with Kwabi Amoah-Forson, humanitarian and influencer, and recipient of the 2022 Greater Tacoma Peace Prize. He also strives to educate others about the true meaning of peace and foster dialogue on the subject through “The Peace Bus’.
Last interview and memorial with Kerri Griffis, one of the founders of Radio Tacoma
Recompose (alternative burial) with Louisa Beal
Toy Rescue Mission, Martha Davis and Dan Grey
Interview with Rainy Day Rabbit Holes hosts Shay and Jody with Pam Beal
Studio Tour with Jean Pierre Garcia and Pam Beal
Studio Tour with Juan LeTorre & Marilyn Kimmerling
Bookmongers – What to do with unwanted books? Call the Bookmongers!
Henry Hagen interviews Lawrence Lambert (AKA “Pearls”)
Louisa Beal speaks with Bret Mason, Executive Director of Foss Waterway Seaport, about Oceanfest.
Thursday, June 27, 2024 6:00 PM at the Foss Waterway Seaport
State of the Salmon: A screening and panel discussion with KBTC’s Northwest Now
Family-friendly and free!
Northwest Now has spent years providing in-depth coverage of the efforts to save the Northwest’s native salmon runs. If you want to learn more about the challenges facing salmon and what is being done to restore Puget Sound and the river systems that connect to it, this is the place to start.
Enjoy a complimentary screening of State of the Salmon followed by an in-person discussion with the creators from Northwest Now.
Then, hunt for Tacoma Ocean Fest one-of-a-kind glass salmon treasures along the waterfront!
Pam Beal interviews Whole Washington Director Pam Ketzner and Executive Director Andre Stackhouse about the Whole Washington Campaign for universal healthcare and how we can get involved. Whole Washington is fighting for federal and state-based universal, single-payer healthcare. We can’t watch our friends, family, and neighbors suffer and die because they don’t have the healthcare they need. We demand a publicly-funded healthcare system that puts people over profits. Home – Whole Washington You can hear the interview at noon June 9-16 on Radio Tacoma 101.9 FM.
RT Interview – Sallie Shawl and Joy Dworkin discuss the film Israelism
When two young American Jews raised to unconditionally love Israel witness the brutal way Israel treats Palestinians, their lives take sharp left turns. They join a movement of young American Jews battling the old guard to redefine Judaism’s relationship with Israel, revealing a deepening generational divide over modern Jewish identity.
Special Event – Tacoma City Presentation on the New Tenant Ordinance
RT Interview – The Grand Cinema 2023 Tacoma Film Festival
RT Interview – Ryan Brown, Husky Hall of Fame for Track and Field
RT Interview – Music and Heart in Wright Park, 2023
The Tacoma Comedy Club hosts Operation HEAL*ARIOUS, produced by Best Medicine Brigade, on Sunday, June 4th. This “American Idol” – style showcase is a search for America’s best Veteran or military spouse comedian. This is the third of ten- city tour with a finale in Hollywood on November 5th.
A portion of the proceeds are donated to HEAL*ARIOUS, a non-profit that offers free therapeutic humor programming for mental health.
Join us to cheer on your favorite comedians and propel them to the next round! During Operation HEAL*ARIOUS attendees will also enjoy the comedy of established comedians, including Ashley Gutermuth, U.S. Air Force Spouse of the Year; and hosted by Stan Shelby, U.S. Navy Veteran.
Tickets for Operation HEAL*ARIOUS are now on sale at
RT Interview – Victoria Fragroso interviews Pam Beal of Radio Tacoma about the station and its history. You can find other interviews by Victoria on Instagram @Toyamakesmusic. Her music can also be heard on Radio Tacoma throughout the day.
RT Interview Interview with Cuba trio – Marilyn Kimmerling interviews Kristi Nebel, Steve Nebel, and David Zink about their trip with Human Agenda to Cuba to visit worker’s co-ops.
RT interview – Olympia lobbyist Ezra Eickmeyer – by Pam Beal
RT Interview with Paul Nye – by Pam Beal
Against the Current: A Conscientious Objector in World War II and the Daughter He Inspired
RT Interview with Tenant Activists – Get Involved!
- Join Resident Action Project to receive invitations to monthly, virtual statewide meetings with other tenants, 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5 PM
- Sign Up for Action Alerts on how to fight for housing justice
- Washington Low Income Housing Alliance 2023 Public Policy Priorities
- FollowTacoma Tenants Union on Facebookto get involved with local efforts to build tenant power
- Click to join Tacoma Tenants Union meetings on 2nd + 4rth Mondays at 6:30 PM or join by phone 1-253-205-0468 Meeting ID: 890 1970 6036
- Don’t forget to save the date February 6-8th 2023, for Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day (HHAD)
- May 2022 – Report finds Tacoma rent increased at 8th-highest rate year-over-year among US Cities
- November 2022 – Housing Vouchers Sit Unused at Some Rural Washington Agencies
- July 2022 – “Every $100 increase in median rent is associated with a 9% increase in the estimated homelessness rate” – Inflation is Making Homelessness Worse
Noah Wingard’s recently-conducted interview about the Tacoma Crisis Response initiative with Devin from the TDSA.
RT Interview with Whole Washington
RT Interview with Steve Fossen
Marilyn Kimmerling’s interview with sculptor Aisha Harrison.
Serve the People Tacoma is a growing collection of survival programs in the Pierce County area.
Hot meals are served Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at or around 6:30pm on the corner of 12th and Tacoma Ave- one block down from the main library branch. Socks, blankets, and other supplies are distributed to the unhoused and anyone else with need for them as they become available. Currently they are asking donations for tents and tarps: $10 for a tarp and $30 for a tent.
They may be contacted on Facebook at stpwashington; Twitter @stp_tacoma; Instagram @stp_tacoma
RT Interview with Petra Perikins, of The Giving Project
RT Interview with musician Randy Kasten
Oceanfest 2021 – Nearly 1,000 people gathered safely, spread out, for the first in-person festival since 2019 – and what a day it was! Musicians, dancers, speakers, eco-booths, Youth Story finalists, kayak tryouts, ice cream, and pizza – it was a HUGE success, and so good to gather our community again around the ocean. Marilyn and Eddie talked to some of the presenters.
RT Interview with Bill Baarsma, Parts One and Two
- Part One:
- Part Two:
RT Interview with musician Josh North
Ranked Choice Voting with Ben Chapman from FairVote Washington, Alejandro Peralta from Pierce Chapter of FairVote, Washington, and mathematician Annee Appelgate.
WorkSource for young adults
PEW (Petro Eternum WA) Rally in Tacoma – February 28, 2021
RT Interview with Asia Pacific Cultural Center (APCC) – Asian New Year’s 2021
RT Interview with Tacoma Housing Now and Food Not Bombs Tacoma
RT Interview: Marilyn Kimmerling’s interview with Bill Baarsma
RT Interview: The Dog Aging project
RT Interview: Marilyn interviews Sherrilla Bivens from the A Philip Randolph Institute
RT Interview – “Indivisible,” with Nina Rook
RT Interview – “Manny’s Walk,” Kaitlin Armstrong with Lawyers Against Systemic Racism. Recorded July 10, 2020
RT Interview – Sunrise Aug 25, 2020
Entheogens – Interview with Decriminalize Nature
Leah Michaelson – South Sound Earth Day 2020
RT Interview – Post Office and the Rule of Law
RT Interview – Dr. Louisa Beal – Pierce County Election Observers
RT Interview – Dr. Louisa Beal of Radio Tacoma – Incident at Forks interviews
RT Interview – Dr. Louisa Beal of Radio Tacoma interviews Dr. Helen Newman about Veterinary Transplant Services
RT Interview – XRAmerica – no Declaration
“Good Grief Dean LaCoe” from Eco grief by Dean LaCoe.
Jess Reed from the Tacoma General Covid Unit